
Moshling Codes
Name Number - seed 1 (Color), seed 2 (Color), seed 3 (Color), (extra information)

Current 1st Place for Moshlings World Cup
Current 2nd Place for Moshlings World Cup
Current 3rd Place for Moshlings World Cup

Lady GooGoo #102 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 1: The Missing Moshling Egg
Roxy #101 - Radiant Roxy Rose, any seed, any seed (Secret Code for seed - HOBBIDIDANCE)
Blingo #103 - Hip Hop Hibiscus (Secret UNIQUE Code for seed in every purchase of 'Buster's Lost Moshling Book')
Dustbin Beaver #104 - Trashy Tulip, any seed, andy seed (Secret UNIQUE Code for seed
given via email to Moshi Magazine Subscribers)

Chop Chop #002 - Dragon Fruit, Dragon Fruit, Dragon Fruit
Shelby #039 - Dragon Fruit, Magic Beans, Dragon Fruit (Black)
Sooki-Yaki #047 - Magic Beans, Hot Silly Pepper, Magic Beans (Red)
General Fuzuki #082 - Love Berry (Yellow), Hot Silly Pepper (Red), Star Blossom (Purple)

Gingersnap #003 - Magic Beans, Love Berry, Hot Silly Pepper
Purdy #020 - Dragon Fruit, Moon Orchid, Dragon Fruit
Lady Meowford #030 - Star Blossom, Moon Orchid, Moon Orchid (Blue)
Waldo #077 - Dragon Fruit, Love Berry (Pink), Star Blossom (Red)

Fifi #007 - Hot Silly Pepper, Magic Beans, Dragon Fruit
White Fang #055 - Crazy Daisy, Magic Beans (Red), Moon Orchid (Red)
Scamp #084 - Snap Apple (Black), Dragon Fruit (Pink), Moon Orchid (Blue)
McNulty #038 - Snap Apple, Snap Apple, Star Blossom (Purple)

Squidge #008 - Star Blossom, Hot Silly Pepper, Dragon Fruit
Kissy #027 - Star Blossom, Magic Beans, Star Blossom (Purple)
Ecto #060 - Hot Silly Pepper, Love Berry (Black), Love Berry (Red)
Big Bad Bill #089 - Love Berry (Yellow), Star Blossom (Black), Star Blossom (Blue)

Snookums #010 - Star Blossom, Star Blossom, Star Blossom
Doris #040 - Moon Orchid, Moon Orchid, Moon Orchid (Black)
Pooky #050 - Moon Orchid, Magic beans, Magic Beans (Purple)
Gurgle #083 - Dragon Fruit (Red), Magic Beans (Yellow), Love Berry (Purple)

Penny #011 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 6, Super Moshiversity Challenge
Tingaling #063 - (Currently Unknown)
Luckies 3 - ???
Luckies 4 - ???

DJ Quack #013 - Dragon Fruit, Moon Orchid, Star Blossom
Tiki #065 - Star Blossom, Love Berry (Pink), Love Berry (Red)
Peppy #071 - Moon Orchid, Moon Orchid (Red), Magic Beans (Yellow)
Prof. Purplex #074 - Dragon Fruit, Love Berry (Pink), Moon Orchid (Yellow)

Stanley #018 - Love Berry, Love Berry, Dragon Fruit
Blurp #043 - Moon Orchid, Love Berry, Love Berry (Pink)
Fumble #053 - Star Blossom, Magic Beans (Yellow), Love Berry (Yellow)
Cali #072 - Magic Beans, Love Berry (Blue), Love Berry (Yellow)

Humphrey #023 - Crazy Daisy, Magic Beans, Hot Silly Pepper
Jeepers #073 - Dragon Fruit, Crazy Daisy (Red), Snap Apple (Blue)
Burnie #078 - Snap Apple (Red), Snap Apple (Red), Crazy Daisy (Blue)
ShiShi #087 - Crazy Daisy (Black), Hot Silly Pepper (Yellow), Dragon Fruit (Red)

Angel #024 - Magic Beans, Hot Silly Pepper, Hot Silly Pepper
Priscilla #048 - Moon Orchid, Moon Orchid, Snap Apple (Yellow)
Mr Snoodle #056 - Hot Silly Pepper, Hot Silly Pepper (Purple), Dragon Fruit (Yellow)
Gigi #079 - Hot Silly Pepper (Blue), Moon Orchid (Red), Hot Silly Pepper (Yellow)

Gabby #025 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 8: Spooktacular Spectacular
Wurley #105 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 2: Voyage Under Potion Ocean
Holga #045 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 5: Pop Goes the GooGoo
Nipper #108 - (Secret UNIQUE Code found in the Moshi Monsters DS Game: Moshling Zoo)

Rocky #028 - Love Berry, Hot Silly Pepper, Crazy Daisy (Pink)
Liberty #061 - Love Berry, Love Berry (Black), Love Berry (Red)
Cleo #080 - Crazy Daisy (Blue), Craisy Daisy (Pink), Snap Apple (Yellow)
Mini Ben #097 - Snap Apple (Black), Snap Apple (Black), Snap Apple (Black)

Tiamo #032 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 7: 20,000 Leagues Under the Fur
Smilies 2 - ???
Smilies 3 - ???
Smilies 4 - ???

Dipsy #034 - Moon Orchid, Love Berry, Moon Orchid (Yellow)
Flumpy #054 - Star Blossom, Magic Beans (Red), Moon Orchid (Black)
Honey #057 - Magic Beans, Love Berry (Yellow), Snap Apple (Blue)
I.G.G.Y #100 - Crazy Daisy (Purple), Crazy Diasy (Purple), Moon Orchid (Black)

Coolio #052 - Star Blossom, Snap Apple (Pink), Love Berry (Black)
Hansel #059 - Dragon Fruit, Magic Beans (Black), Moon Orchid (Black)
Oddie #088 - Star Blossom (Yellow), Star Blossom (Black), Star Blossom (Purple)
Cutie Pie  #091 - Star Blossom (Pink), Dragon Fruit (Blue), Crazy Daisy (Purple)

Plinky #106 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 3: Strangeglove from Above
Wallop #005 - (Currently Unknown)
Tunies 3 - ???
Tunies 4 - ???

Cherry Bomb #075 - FInish Super Moshi Mission 4: Candy Catastrophe
Noisies 2 - ???
Noisies 3 - ???
Noisies 4 - ???

Tomba #063 - Finish Super Moshi Mission 9: Snow Way Out!
Snowies 2 - ???
Snowies 3 - ???
Snowies 4 - ???